Tuesday 18 March 2025


Advertise with our readers respect: this is the best guarantee for our advertisers

Comunicaffe International, the daily newsletter and portal both, introduces innovations for advertising such as for the information. To provide a service to advertisers and readers, faithful to the original spirit of Comunicaffe International, never changed: news written with a straight back.


Advertising plays a key role because it is information. Comunicaffe International does not accept any advertising, ensuring readers and other advertisers. We do not accept orders. Never had private grants or state like all other organs of the press.

Our proposal is based on traditional offerings, but even with something new, for example the newsletter viral marketing and those related to placement. And even with a difference in other media. Yes, because the banner that you entrust to us immediately may be disseminated through both editions of the newsletter, for now still only two, both the portal. Thus, in addition to the readership reached by e-mail, more than 30,000 experts in Italian, there is also the International edition consulted by more than 50,000 readers in English. And now, even the daily visitors to the news and the archives of this portal.
For special requirements on the material to provide for the publication and all other information on your advertising on public Editoriale Comunicaffè please write directly to info@comunicaffe.com (always active).


Finally insurance. Who has already given his trust knows the effects of a campaign on our publications online. There are many brands, both Italian and foreign, who come back often. Because the money spent on Comunicaffe International in an investment that you make. Why our proposals are transparent in terms of costs contact with Google certification Analitycs.


For special needs, on the material to be provided for publication and all other information on your advertising on the media of the Editoriale Comunicaffè, please write to info@comunicaffe.it.


Comunicaffe International advertising serves: to continuously improve the quality of information. But increasingly, information and publicity, respecting the readers. Respect that, for us, is the best guarantee for advertisers.

Comunicaffe International address is:
Via Dogana, 3 – 20123 MILAN – ITALY

e-mail: info@comunicaffe.com

- Advertising -
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