Wednesday 12 March 2025

Ccl Products is launching new varieties of Continental Coffee in India

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HYDERABAD, India – Having succeeded in placing their coffee in world markets, CCL Products (India) Limited is launching new varieties of Continental Coffee in the Indian Market. A lot of consumer research was done to arrive at blends that will suit Indian palette.

As a part of its India journey, the company roped in Actress Nitya Menon as its Brand Ambassador.

The following products were launched by CCL Products in the Indian market:

Instant Coffee – A couple of years ago CCL started seeding the market with Continental Speciale which is a 100 % pure coffee and Continental Xtra which is a coffee chicory mix targeted towards South Indian taste palette. Subsequently Continental Black Edition was launched which is essentially freeze dried coffee, targetted to upgrade people with a more aromatic and flavorful coffee. All these varieties are made available in SKUs commencing from 1 gram sachets to 200 gram bottles starting with an affordable pricing of Rs.1 to Rs.375 (for 200 gm jar)

Filter Coffee – The core of CCL has been to provide coffee the way consumers like it. Continuing on this promise it launched filter coffee under the brand name Continental Malgudi. Continental Malgudi comes under two coffee chicory blends 80:20 and 60:40.

La Cimbali

Coffee Premix – The millennial of today is hard pressed for time and is looking for convenient ways of consuming products. Keeping the same in mind CCL launched Continental THIS. Continental THIS is 3in 1 coffee premix. It is priced at Rs 10 making it affordable to have a great cup of coffee.

The above launches are being supported by mass media campaigns and below the line activities. CCL announces the on boarding of actress Nitya Menon as its brand ambassador. Nitya is a very well known face and is widely regarded as a woman of substance. She is someone whom people look up to as role model. We feel that Nitya Menon will help us achieve the right awareness and create a positive brand imagery” said Challa Rajendra Prasad, Executive Chairman, CCL PRODUCTS.

“Starting with Southern markets of India, as almost 75% of coffee consumption happens in this market, CCL has plans to expand to Pan India by 2021. Currently Indian Business is contributing around 7% of the revenues which is targeted to be improved to around 15% in the next two years. With additional capacity, niche products and further value additions, the Company is expected to achieve a CAGR of 15-20%” said Challa Srishant, Managing Director, CCL Products.

To distribute the products CCL has formed a sales team comprising of Managers and Sales Incharge. As you read, CCL has a network of approx. 600 distributors and covers more than 50000 outlets directly. By the year end the target is to cover 1 lakh outlets.

CCL Products (India) Limited has commenced its commercial operations on a humble 3600 TPA capacity mainly with the objective of giving “Value Addition” to the Indian exports particularly for earning hard currency. Over the past 24 years of existence it has grown in leaps and bounds on the product range, global reach, multinational facilities and currently has a total instant coffee manufacturing capacity of 35000TPA (24000TPA of Spray dried/ Granulated & 11000 TPA of premium variety Freeze Dried Coffee). In addition, more than 15000TPA of coffee related products like premixes, R&G etc. can also be processed.

The Salient features of this growth are:

Starting with the basic spray dried instant coffee in 1995, the Company today offers the entire basket of coffee products – like Spray dried, Granulated, Freeze Dried, Liquid coffee, blended coffee products like Chicory coffee, Roast & Ground coffee, Premixes etc literally covering every aspect of the processed coffees. Literally a ‘One stop solution’ for all the coffee business needs.

Exports its processed coffee to more than 90 countries supporting more than 250 brands with sustainable supplies – both quality and quantity.

Multi locational factories – Duggirala in India, SEZ near Sullurpet in India, Daklak Province in Vietnam and Neuchatel canton in Switzerland. Currently, world’s largest private label instant coffee manufacturer with the combined capacity of 35000 tonnes in these factories. In addition it can process another 15000 TPA of premixes, R&G etc.


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