Saturday 22 March 2025
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Löfbergs receives McDonald’s Sustainability Innovation Award

KARLSTAD, Sweden - Löfbergs has been awarded the prestigious Sustainability Innovation Award by Food Folk, McDonald's licensee for the Nordics, recognising the company’s outstanding...

Expocacer, Glaucio de Castro: ‘We have an average production of 6 million bags per year, 40-60% of our coffees score 80 and above’

MILAN – Expocacer - cooperative of the Cerrado Mineiro that provides direct support to the farmers, and helps them with the storage, marketing, and...

Rudi Albert and Maurizio Zugna: “The combination of the Dimitra system and the Alkaff app tech streamline the work of roasters”

MILAN - Rudi Albert, ceo and founder of Alkaff returns to these pages together with Maurizio Zugna, Dimitra Europe, Italy Project Manager, to go...

Applications for the 2024/2025 Certificate of Advanced Studies in Coffee Excellence still open in collaboration with SCA

MILAN - Registration is still open for the 2024/2025 intake of the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Coffee Excellence at Zurich University of Applied...

Coffee Quality Institute reports a four-fold increase in Q Graders in Burundi

ALISO VIEJO, California, Usa – The first half of 2024 saw meaningful activity in Burundi, with learners continuing to build skills and knowledge: the...

The Rainforest Alliance network includes 7.5 million farmers and workers on certified farms

MILAN - Miguel Gamboa, Sector Lead, Coffee at the Rainforest Alliance answered a few questions to explain the dynamics behind the certification at origin....

GCP recognizes 3 new sustainability schemes as equivalent to the Coffee Sustainability Reference Code

BONN, Germany - Three sustainability schemes have been added to the growing list of schemes recognized by the Global Coffee Platform (GCP) as equivalent...

Descamex and its commitment to sustainability: “The problem is that we can’t wait any more”

MILAN - Descamex is a company founded in 1980 by Mister Domingo Muguira and it's the first decaffeination plant in Latin America, perfecting the...

International Labor Organization (ILO): what are the challenges for decent work in Brazil, Colombia and Uganda

MILANO – In a webinar, the International Labor Organization (ILO) gathered experts from Colombia, Uganda and Brazil around the theme “Promoting decent work in...

Tata Coffee and Farmforce brew sustainability and EUDR compliance partnership

OSLO, Norway – Farmforce, a leading provider of traceability and transparency solutions for agricultural supply chains, announces a strategic partnership with Tata Coffee, a...

4C was recognized by the Global Coffee Platform as equivalent to the Coffee SR Code, 3rd party assurance

BONN, Germany - The Global Coffee Platform officially announced its recognition of 4C as equivalent to the GCP Coffee Sustainability Reference Code (Coffee SR...

Sucafina’s Impact program recognized by the GCP as Coffee Sustainability Reference Code equivalent

GENEVA, Switzerland – Sucafina announces that Impact, its responsible sourcing program, has been recognized by the Global Coffee Platform (GCP) as equivalent to the...

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