Thursday 27 March 2025
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El Niño expected to remain strong during during the boreal winter

El Niño is expected to remain strong through the Northern Hemisphere winter 2015-16, with a transition to ENSO-neutral anticipated during late spring or early...

Fighting coffee rust in Latin America

One of these diseases is coffee leaf rust, or “la roya”, which is an increasing problem for Latin American producers. In 2012-2013, some Latin...

Coffee industry faces severe challenges due to climate change

Corporate leaders need to take immediate action if they hope to secure the coffee supply in the face of climate change and other global...

El Niño near its peak

The strong 2015 El Niño event is near its peak. While sea surface temperatures remain close to record-high values, some El Niño indicators are...

Olam recommends measures to tackle climate change in its “2°C Call to World Leaders and Industry”

Ahead of Olam International’s participation in events surrounding COP21 in Paris this week, Sunny Verghese, Co-Founder, Group Managing Director and CEO of the leading...

Mondelēz International to lead private sector action in Côte d’Ivoire’s Program to combat deforestation

PARIS, France -- Mondelēz International has committed to lead private sector action as part of Côte d’Ivoire’s national program to combat deforestation. The commitment...

NAMA recognizes member companies for joining the American business act on Climate Pledge

CHICAGO, U.S. - NAMA has announced that seven member companies have taken part in the American Business Act on Climate Pledge, joining more than...

Indian Ocean Dipole over and out for 2015

The positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)—which reinforced El Niño impacts since late August—has broken down over the past fortnight. This rapid decay is common...

Fairtrade inspiring action against climate change at COP21

With less than one week until the crucial climate change talks start in Paris, Fairtrade producers from Latin America and Africa are preparing to...

Hungarian start-up wants to turn coffee grounds into climate friendly makeup

Hungarian start-up Zero Natural Cosmetics entered our ClimateLaunchpad contest with the idea to recycle coffee grounds into cosmetics. When you take the time to...

USDA revises down its estimate for Brazil’s coffee crop

The Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) in São Paulo revised the Brazilian coffee production estimate for marketing year (MY) 2015/16 (July-June) to 49.4 million 60-kg...

El Niño likely to peak in winter

El Niño will likely peak during the Northern Hemisphere winter 2015-16, with a transition to ENSO-neutral anticipated during the late spring or early summer...

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