Sunday 16 March 2025


Must read

  • TME - Cialdy Evo

Murkovic M. Institute of Biochemistry, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria E-mail:

At different stages of the roasting process a huge number of compounds is formed that contribute to the structure of the coffee bean, to the taste and aroma or have just no obvious effect.

A small number of compounds is formed that is expected to have a negative effect on our health. Among these are non-polar heterocyclic amines, furan and derivatives, acrylamide and others. Furan derivatives have come into focus since an activating mechanism via the liver enzymes – sulfotransferases – has been characterized in detail [1].

The substrates for these sulfotransferases are vinylogous alcohols like furfuryl alcohol (FA) or hydroxymethyl-furfural (HMF). These furan derivatives are formed from e.g. hexoses (HMF) or pentoses (FA). HMF appears at an earlier stage of the roasting and furfuryl alcohol at a later stage. Both compounds are destroyed to some extend at the end of the roasting.

  • La Cimbali

However, both compounds remain to some extend in the finished product. Coffee is more or less the only food where furfuryl alcohol can be found at higher concentrations (2 – 20 μg/g).

Normally, the HMF concentration is lower compared to FA.

Furan as a very volatile compound can be found in coffee as well with amounts of 5 – 50 μg/cup [2]. Furan can be formed from a few amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Due to its high volatility the amount found in the cup – and which contributes to the exposure – is reduced, primarily depending on the brewing method.

Acrylamide, which has been studied widely during the last decade, originates from asparagine during a complex reaction with carbohydrates [3].

The concentration in coffee is in the range of 200 ng/g also depending on the origin/species and the roasting conditions. As all these compounds are part of the complex Maillard reaction that defines this product, giving it a pleasing quality, it seems difficult to reduce the concentrations and thereby reducing the exposure.

References [1] Glatt, H. Sulfotransferases in the bioactivation of xenobiotics. Chem Biol Interact. 2000, 129, 141-170

[2] Stadler, R. Food Chem. 2011, 129, 1325–1326 [3] Perez-Locas, C., Yaylayan, V.A. Further insight into thermal and pH induced generation of acrylamide from glucose/asparagine model systems. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008, 56, 6069-6074


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