MILAN - After an intense week of testing and evaluations, the Cup of Excellence (COE) 2024—considered the most prestigious coffee competition in the world—has...
MILAN – The Specialty Coffee Association is delighted to release updated Rules & Regulations for the 2025 World Coffee Roasting Championship. The updated rules...
MADEIRA, Portugal - Scotsman Ice announces its sponsorship of the prestigious 2024 World Cocktail Championships (WCC), hosted by the International Bartenders Association (IBA) in...
AVEIRO, Portugal – Fiamma, Portugal’s oldest espresso machine manufacturer, hosted the World Barista Open 2024, bringing together baristas from around the world for a...
VIENNA, Austria - Premium coffee brand Julius Meinl has crowned the winner of its first ever international barista competition, Raffy Vajio. The Julius Meinl...
HAWAII — Winners of the Hawaii Coffee Association’s 15th Annual Statewide Coffee Cupping Competition were announced during the sold-old 29th Hawaii Coffee Association Conference July 18-20...
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Ethiopian high-quality coffees are prized for their aromas and flavors. Coffee is considered the backbone of the Ethiopian economy, generating...
MILAN – The WLAGS (World Latte Art Grading Battle Championship) announces a major breakthrough for 2024. Thanks to exceptional international collaboration and an immediate...
MILAN - Dionatan Almeida is this year's cup tasting world champion. His origins lie in the world's leading coffee producer, Brazil, and his professionalism...