Barista & Farmer, the first international talent show dedicated entirely to the world of top-quality coffee, has released three new episodes. In episode number...
PITALITO, Colombia – Barista & Farmer, the talent show dedicated to specialty coffee culture is finally getting into full swing: one competition after another,...
BOGOTÁ, Colombia — With one million 188,000 bags, Colombian coffee production increased 32% in May compared to the 901,000 bags harvested in the same...
KATHMANDU, Nepal — Coffee entrepreneurs claim that Nepali coffee industry is not growing as expected due to lack of training and awareness among farmers...
USDA Agricultural Trade Office in Sao Paulo (ATO) of projects Brazilian marketing year (MY) 2018/2019 (July-June) coffee production at a record 60.2 million bags...
TUGUEGARAO CITY — Government leaders are upbeat that Nueva Vizcaya’s coffee industry will further be boosted commercially with the implementation of the Vibrant Operations...
TANZANIA — Coffee farmers in Mara Region in Tanzania have promised to sell their produce through 'Primary Cooperative Societies' as earlier directed the Fifth...