Saturday 15 March 2025

Four new Italian Coffee Champions crowned and Sigep 2020 in Rimini

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  • TME - Cialdy Evo

RIMINI – On the third day of Sigep, four of the eight championships scheduled in Rimini already have a winner. In fact, Sunday, at Rimini Expo Centre´s Coffee Arena, the winners of the CIBC – Italian Barista Championship and the Italian Ibrik Championship were announced.

At the top of the podium for the CIBC was Daniele Ricci, born in Brescia (Italy), but a successful barista in Amsterdam. In second and third places, Francesco Masciullo and Arianna Peli, who work in cafeterias in Florence and Brescia respectively.

On the other hand, for the Italian Ibrik Championship, first place went to a lady, Elvira Niki di Landa, born in Bologna, but permanently residing in Milan.

She was followed by Jean François Omar Cristaudo, who was born and works in Turin, and Davide Valenziano, born in Bozzolo Predabissi, but working in Rogoredo (Casatenovo) in the province of Lecco. The CIBC competition, which consists in preparing, in a maximum time of 15 minutes, 4 espressos, 4 beverages based on coffee and hot milk, and 4 personalized non-alcoholic beverages based on espresso, is valid for the WBC (World Barista Championship).

  • La Cimbali

The Italian Ibrik Championship on the other hand is valid for the WCIC (World Cezve/Ibrik Championship) and is a contest that highlights the preparation of coffee using an Ibrik, a pot conceived specially for preparing a particular type of coffee widely drunk in some areas of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Yesterday, again in the Coffee Arena (Hall D1), two more titles were assigned to Andrea Villa in the Italian Coffee in Good Spirits Championship and to Elisa Urdich in Italian Brewers Cup Championship. All the winners move on the the world finals of the World Coffee Events competitons later this year.

´World Coffee Consumption Is Increasing´

´Coffee drinking continues to grow on a scale global, but attention must be paid to new trends.´ This was stated this morning by Bob O´Brien, Global Senior Vice President . Foodservice of NDP Group, at the event entitled ´Coffee trends around the world´, held at the Vision Plaza, the innovative area for networking inaugurated at Sigep 2020.

At the meeting it was seen how hot coffee consumption, compared to 2018, increased by 1.8% in 2019 whereas, comparing the 5 previous years, the percentage increased up to 3.3%, at world level. Italy and Spain contend the first two places in terms of consumption, while USA, Japan and once more Italy are the top countries serving most coffee. Among the top positions, for the popularity of the beverage, there is also Russia.

An increasing phenomenon, connected with coffee drinking, is that of breakfasts: ´With the recession of recent years, globally speaking, people had less need to eat both breakfast and lunch, giving breakfast a wider role´, continued O´Brien.

Another increasingly higher trend in the USA and Japan, while it is still static and not taken into great consideration in Italy and Spain, is drinking away from where it was bought. In relation to the purchase, the expert focussed on the various ways of ordering:

´From ordering personally using the traditional method to that using a mobile device´, he continued, ´In China there is a great rise, with a substantial gap compared with the rest of the world. In Italy it is increasing, but still remains a usage relegated to 5% of the market, compared with the 95% of traditional ordering.´

Antonio Bachour – Followers and Recipes… in colour

The world of Antonio Bachour is full of colour, like his latest book ´Bachour in color´ (Chiriotti editore): A rainbow of recipes made up of entremets, individual portions, tartlets, petits fours, macarons and verrines. The world´s most ´social´ pastry chef reveals all his most iconic specialities in this book (in Italian and English), which has met with great success at Italian Exhibition Group´s Sigep.

In fact, Bachour has already published 4 books: Bachour, Bachour Simply Beautiful, Bachour Chocolate and Bachour The Baker and at Sigep, where he presented his new book yesterday, said: ´This is my 4th time here at Rimini´s Sigep, and I´m always happy to return. This year, I have the impression of an even wider range of products, a larger number of companies and an even more enthusiastic public than previous editions. There´s much more technology, much more equipment, and participation on behalf of brands I´d never seen before.´ What about the almost half a million followers you have on Instagram? ´They really are a lot, and many of them are in Italy: they asked me for recipes… so I decided to publish this new book!´

Yeast, a beautiful discovery… and natural

At Sigep and A. B. Tech Expo, currently running at Italian Exhibition Group´s Rimini Expo Centre, fake news is demolished. Today, it was the turn of lies regarding yeast. An extraordinary product, rediscovered at the talk show ´Yeast: an amazing discovery. How many lies are told about this extraordinary product?´, held by Michele Sculati, dietician and nutritionist, member of Italy´s National Association of Specialists in Food Science, and Piero Pasturenzi, president of the Yeast Group of Assitol Confindustria. Information Ôforgers´ say it bloats the stomach, causes digestion problems, and that it even makes people fat. ´Nothing could be further from the truth´, says Pasturenzi.

´It´s sufficient to consider that yeast enzymes transform proteins into amino acids. What is certain is that it is not particularly well-known is that it is necessary to start out from what legislation lays down. First and foremost, it must be stressed that yeast is cultivated in a pure state and in a natural environment, not produced/manufactured. Then it is necessary to fully clarify the difference between yeast and dough starter, as is done in numerous countries.´

Social media marketing and gelato: communicating sweetness with Facebook

For the food service world, digital technology represents a very powerful driver for development. This is being talked about a lot these days in the Vision Plaza set up for Italian Exhibition Group´s Sigep and A. B. Tech at Rimini Expo Centre. In particular, this morning, professionals´ and trade members´ attention was focussed on the world´s most populous ´country´: Facebook, a community of 1,300 million active users, which covers 80% of the population in Italy. But to be on Facebook it is necessary to know it as a tool, exploiting it to the utmost with a marketing mix suitable for the purpose.

This was talked about by Monia Taglienti of Muse Comunicazione along with Sergio Colalucci, ex world gelato champion, in an original dialogue between a consultant and a professional. It was said that Facebook has the centripetal ability to involve a community, but also to hook up the food world most useful for professionals. Great attention must therefore be paid to the creation of groups, the use of videos and the planning of advertising campaigns that are now indispensable for the success of a good communication campaign.

Bread in the City, a contest between Japanese and Spanish pizzas at Sigep

In the Bakery Arena of Sigep and A. B.Tech Expo the competition has begun between the Spanish and Japanese teams, with a pizza tasting session. In the contest, the eight competing teams have eight hours to preparing, cook and serve bread, pizza and viennoiseries. Today, the contest´s protagonists are the teams of coach Manuel Flecha Garcia for Spain and Ihara Yasutomo for Japan.

Pizza Margherita and pizza fantasia, ranking and final results on Wednesday.


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