Monday 24 March 2025

GCP recognizes 3 new sustainability schemes as equivalent to the Coffee Sustainability Reference Code

Annette Pensel, Executive Director, GCP: “We’ve seen a very positive response to GCP’s call for the use of a common language on the foundations of coffee sustainability. The three organizations  we’re pleased to announce today are the latest to join the growing list of sustainability schemes owned by GCP Members that are answering that call. We applaud this commitment to the use of a common language and the increasing openness to transparency"

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BONN, Germany – Three sustainability schemes have been added to the growing list of schemes recognized by the Global Coffee Platform (GCP) as equivalent to the Coffee Sustainability Reference Code (Coffee SR Code). The news comes on the back of new strategic efforts from the platform, promoting sector alignment to the principles and practices of coffee sustainability.

“We’ve seen a very positive response to GCP’s call for the use of a common language on the foundations of coffee sustainability,” said Annette Pensel, Executive Director, GCP.

“The three organizations  we’re pleased to announce today are the latest to join the growing list of sustainability schemes owned by GCP Members that are answering that call. We applaud this commitment to the use of a common language and the increasing openness to transparency.”

GCP announced the recognition of Fairtrade International, Small Producer Organization and Coffee Standard, and Fair Trade USA’s Agriculture Production Standard as equivalent to the Coffee SR Code 3rd party assurance.

In addition, Montesanto Tavares Group’s GMT Green has been recognized as equivalent to the Coffee SR Code, 2nd party assurance. The number of sustainability schemes recognized by GCP now amounts to 19, representing encouraging progress for sector alignment on coffee sustainability.

La Cimbali

 Sector alignment for coffee sustainability

Sustainability schemes going through the GCP Equivalence Mechanism Process – which was strengthened with stricter sustainability and operational criteria in 2022 – are aligning their systems to become equivalent to the Coffee SR Code. The code is a sector-wide reference on the foundations of sustainability in economic, social and environmental dimensions for green coffee production and primary processing worldwide.

GCP’s Equivalence Mechanism also entails assessment against a set of operational criteria that ensures a credible and effective system for implementation and includes governance, standard-setting, assurance, data and claims requirements.

According to Mario Vega, GCP’s newly appointed Senior Manager Sustainable Sourcing, today’s announcement was the first of the year with more sustainability schemes planned to be announced in Q3 and Q4.

“Alignment is a critical feature to understand, advance and accelerate coffee sustainability and we applaud the action by these GCP Members to step up and publicly measure up to the Coffee SR Code and GCP Equivalence Mechanism,” said Vega.

For the assessment of the sustainability schemes, GCP partnered with the International Trade Centre, which, as GCP implementation partner and creator of the Standards Map, assessed the schemes against the principles and practices of the Coffee SR Code and the operating practices that schemes should have in place to be considered credible and effective.

“The Coffee SR Code serves as a baseline, and equivalent schemes meet at least these requirements. Some schemes – especially 3rd party schemes – may go further with their principles and practices, their commitment to transparency, and their approaches to deal with sustainability issues,” said Vega.

“We hope that these GCP Members will inspire others to step up for coffee sustainability for the urgent and essential advancement of farmer prosperity.”

 List of sustainability schemes recognized by GCP as Coffee SR Code equivalent

3rd party assurance:

  • 4C
  • Fairtrade International, Small Producer Organization and Coffee Standard
  • Fair Trade USA’s Agriculture Production Standard
  • Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard

2nd party assurance:

  • ECOM’s SMS Verified
  • Enveritas’ Enveritas Green
  • Exportadora de Café Guaxupé’s Guaxupé Planet
  • Louis Dreyfus Company’s Responsible Sourcing Program Advanced
  • Montesanto Tavares Group’s GMT Green
  • Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program
  • Neumann Kaffee Gruppe’s NKG BLOOM, and NKG Verified
  • ofi’s AtSourceV, and AtSource+
  • Racafé’s CRECER
  • 3E by RGC Coffee
  • Sucafina’s IMPACT
  • Volcafe’s Volcafe Verified, and Volcafe Excellence

All sustainability schemes recognized by GCP are eligible for roasters and retailers to be included in the annual GCP Collective Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases, another way companies are aligning and increasing transparency to advance coffee sustainability globally.

The Equivalence Mechanism, together with the Coffee SR Code and the GCP Collective Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases, are connected assets developed by GCP to offer a common language on the foundations for coffee sustainability and promote the supply and demand of coffee produced following at least baseline sustainability principles.


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