Saturday 15 March 2025

Growing number of cafes revives the image of Indonesian tea and coffee

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JAKARTA, Indonesia – Sipping coffee or tea in a café has developed into people’s lifestyles. It is no doubt that the popularity of cafes have sprung up in almost every corner of the city (in the picture the Bakerzin café by JP Concept, Jakarta).

Not only in the shopping centre, but has extended to universities, hospitals, apartments, office buildings, shop / café, private properties, residential or other place where a lot of people often gather.

Vice Chairman of Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (IHRA), Sudrajat said, this popularity of cafes contributes positively and create new opportunities for professionals in the field of hotel and restaurant.

“Including, the potential attraction for the development of a tourism sector,” said Sudrajat, Wednesday (15/6).

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According to him the coffee excellence in Indonesia has the opportunity to make it even greater. Moreover, this is within the vision of the government programs that are strengthening the tourism sector, with all forms of support.

“Culinary is an integral part of tourism, with the development of the cafe it can certainly improve the image of coffee and tea of Indonesia to be packaged better. Instead we adopt a foreign concept, but how the country could be packed for later could enter hotels and malls,” said Sudrajat ,

The same thing is said by Ratna Soemantri, Head of Promotion Indonesia Tea Board (DTI). The existence of 10,000 cafe in Indonesia today will continue to grow and increase the sale of tea to the public and boost the level of tea consumption in the country.

Later tea commodities will be increased again not only as commodities, but also venturing into the tourism industry and as an introduction of tea culture in order to increase domestic consumption.

“The presence of a cafe will also be a means of educating the public on how to actually enjoy the actual tea. Just like coffee, tea presentation must be adjusted to the water temperature that would affect the taste,” he said.

Seeing the opportunity, Reed Panorama Exhibition together with the Association of Coffee Exporters and Industry of Indonesia (AICE), Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI), Dewah Teh Indonesia (DTI), and the Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI) will hold events titled “Cafe & …


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