Thursday 13 March 2025

Gruppo Gimoka launches a production line for Nespresso Professional compatible pods

Thanks to these investments, Gruppo Gimoka proposes a top-level solution for all partners who wish to develop their superior quality private label offer of aluminium pods that are compatible with the Nespresso professional system

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MILAN – A completely automated process that demonstrates that Gruppo Gimoka is the most versatile and cutting-edge partner for Private Label projects. A meticulously designed production line for all packaging phases, coupled with strict quality controls to ensure perfect technical compliance of original aluminium pods, thus satisfying the expectations of in-cup quality.

In this article we cannot tell you all the details as they are part of the know-how developed by Gimoka through meticulous research and tests, but we can certainly reveal that some of company’s international Private Label partners have expressed their appreciation of the new line of aluminium pods that are compatible with the Nespresso Professional machine systems.

A fully automated process that begins from the coffee silos, where they can store over 120 blends that have been developed by their laboratory, comprising certified, single origin and organic coffee beans which are well suited to the product range we are talking about. The coffee is packed in nitrogen flushed packaging, therefore in controlled atmosphere, to ensure it retains the organoleptic characteristics of ground coffee.

This video shows the coffee pod production process

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Here is the description of the packaging process stages: the pod “bed” is formed in the stage of cavity forming of the lower part of the pod, by working a first sheet of aluminium and polypropylene. Then comes the coffee dosage stage. A “small cake” of coffee is then pressed together to guarantee the ideal degree of compaction and therefore its optimal brew.

Compliance with the required thickness” (height of the pressed coffee) is in fact crucial to guarantee the correct operation of the pods with Nepresso Professional (*) machines and to achieve a perfect brew.

By working a second aluminium and polypropylene sheet, the upper part of the pod is formed. This is followed by the welding stage, when the bottom part of the pod, containing the pressed coffee, is coupled and heat-sealed to the top part. The final steps are the cutting stage to obtain the individual pods and the weight control of each capsule.

As already mentioned, this is a fully automated process because once the single pods are moulded and checked, a robot will package the pods in the aluminium boxes containing 50 capsules. In a next stage, the master ̶ containing 6 packs of 50 capsules  ̶ will be made, always in a robotized manner, and this will form a pallet.

A completely mechanised line that systematises 3 leading equipment players in the areas of filling and manufacturing pods as well as packing and palletising them.

The Gimoka logo

Gruppo Gimoka: A top-level solution for a superior quality private label offer

Thanks to these investments, Gruppo Gimoka proposes a top-level solution for all partners who wish to develop their superior quality private label offer of aluminium pods that are compatible with the Nespresso professional system.

The company offers a broad assortment of coffee blends, painstaking research of the crucial stages with the aim of attaining excellent results in terms of production, specific quality control systems and high efficiency due to the advanced processes that are adopted.

As we said at the beginning, we have not revealed everything here. However, if you are interested in developing a Nespresso compatible aluminium pod project, Gruppo Gimoka can share further details on the process and quality control with you. They can also provide several types of solutions as far as the graphic design of aluminium pods is concerned.

Write to and arrange a visit to the company’s plant.

(*) Nespresso is a third-party trademark and is in no way linked to Gruppo Gimoka srl


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