Thursday 06 March 2025

Here is why a coffee machine can increase productivity in the workplace

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MILAN — According to JURA Australia, an office coffee machine might just be the simple solution to increase productivity in the workplace. George Liakatos, General Manager of JURA Australia said depending on which office coffee machine you purchase, taste will not be the only bonus you and your staff experience after making the switch from instant to freshly brewed cup of coffee.

“Interestingly enough, boiling the kettle will likely take longer than pushing the button on one of our fully automated coffee machines that produce a freshly ground coffee from 35 seconds.”

In addition to the speed and taste of having a coffee bean based machine, George encourages other businesses totake the JURA challenge to make a change in 2020. George’s top five reasons businesses need a coffee machine include:

1. Sustainability – What business isn’t trying to be more sustainable? Takeaway coffee cups, pods, glass and plasticjars are all instant landfill. Switch to a coffee bean-based machine and purchase your staff keep cups to reuse throughout the day.

La Cimbali

2. Convenience – A recent survey by JURA showed that over 34% of Australians have two cups of coffee per day, so why not offer to start the day with a cup of brew at the office and reduce the late arrivals due to line-ups at the coffee shop!

3. Productivity – According to a report from the ISIC the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, science has proven that coffee improves productivity with 89% of the employees believed that have a cup of coffee can improve the entire workday.

4. Time-saving – Coffee breaks are costing Australian businesses over $10,000 and 270 hours lost every year. Lost time equals lost money. Think of the purchase of an automated coffee machine as an investment that’s delivering a returnfrom day one simply due to the reduction in coffee breaks.

5. Community – At the JURA head office, taking a break with colleagues at one of our many coffee machines has not only fostered relationships between different departments, but has produced some of the best ideas. For the Swiss, the home of JURA, typically begin their morning with two things – coffee and a gipfeli (Swiss German for croissant). A coffee break with good company is even better.

“From an office of one to over 100 employees, JURA has a suitable coffee machine for any office, no matter what industry you’re in. Go to to calculate the savings your business could bemaking in 2020, “ adds George.


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