Friday 21 March 2025

ICC approves strategic review of the ICO

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MILAN – At the 115th Session of the International Coffee Council, Members resolved to establish a working group to coordinate a strategic assessment of the Organization, with the goal of sharpening the strategic focus and defining better the priorities of the Organization in order to provide adequate guidance to the Secretariat. Here is the text of the Resolution number 457.

Resolution number 457 – approved at the second Plenary Meeting, 28 September 2015

Strategic Review of the ICO


  • La Cimbali

Considering Article 9(4) of the International Coffee Agreement;

Considering the Action Plan for the International Coffee Organization in its latest partial review, which took place in March 2014; and
Considering the ‘Belo Horizonte Declaration’,



1. To establish a working group to coordinate a strategic assessment of the International Coffee Organization, with the goal of sharpening the strategic focus and defining better the priorities of the Organization and its Members, in order to provide adequate guidance to the Secretariat.

2. In strict collaboration with the International Coffee Organization’s Secretariat, the working group should undertake the following actions:

(a) Hold the first meeting of the working group during October 2015 when a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman for the group will be elected. The working group can meet virtually or in person and all interested Member States can be part of the working group.

(b) If the working group deems it necessary to hire a specialized consultant to help with the strategic assessment, draw up terms of reference to be used as a basis for employing, through an open tendering process, a professional who will provide an assessment, with recommendations, of the strategic planning framework of the International Coffee Organization. The terms of reference should be finalized prior to the end of 2015.

(c) Monitor the open and transparent bidding process to recruit the above mentioned consultant, to be conducted by the Secretariat. The consultant’s fee should not exceed US$25,000 from the regular Budget within the Programme of Activities of the International Coffee Organization. The tendering process should take place no later than January 2016.

(d) The working group will review all proposals submitted to the Secretariat during the tendering process and recommend a proposal for the Council to adopt during the March 2016 meetings.

(e) Following the March 2016 meetings, the working group will monitor the Secretariat’s employment of the above mentioned consultant.

(f) Together with the Secretariat, monitor the activities developed by the consultant and, in particular, facilitate contact between the consultant and the Member States, the private sector and other stakeholders in the world coffee sector.

(g) Analyse the consultant’s recommendations and assessment report, while providing additional comments and recommendations from Members.
3. The final report will be presented to the Council in September 2016.

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