Friday 28 March 2025

Ima Group held yesterday in Bologna a full day immersion in the world of coffee

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BOLOGNA – A full day event dedicated to the coffee sector, organised by Ima Group, was held in Bologna on Wednesday. A panel of authoritative speakers analysed topics such as new trends in consumptoin, sustainability, coffee packaging and roasting. Coffee expert and Scae Authorized Trainer Andrej Godina moderated the conference that was introduced by Ima General Manager, Klaus Peters.

“Global consumer trends in the coffee market” by  Mara Magro, Senior Research Manager Hot Drinks for Euromonito

Mara Magro focused on the most recent trends in the world coffee market. Single serve coffee is the main driver in the home and OCS market. Instant coffee leads the market in emerging consumer markets in Asia. Ready-to-drink coffee is very popular in Asia and is winning market shares in North America with products such as RTD Frappuccino or Cold Brew.

Gerardo Patacconi, Ico manager: “Coffee growing sustainability and ethical sourcing”

Patacconi analysed the concept of sustainability in all its facets with a specific focus on the coffee sector. An increasing number of small-scale producers are suffering from low revenues from their beans at the same time as facing increasing costs.

As a result, farmers are switching to other economically attractive crops or leaving farming altogether, threatening the industry’s ability to meet a growing international demand in the future.

La Cimbali

Growers in Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia, the world’s top three coffee-producing countries, are among the few that are expected to survive if losses continue. The market could remain in the hands of a smal number of countres increasing the exposure to supply shocks.

Chahan Yeretzian, professor of Analytical Chemistry, Bioanalytical Chemistry and Diagnostics at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)

A leading world expert in coffee science, Yeretzian described the roasting process from a chemical standpoint and explaine how roasting and packaging are essential to preserve coffee flavours and freshness.

Martina Fong, Unit Manager-Packagin per Ami Consulting: “Capsules market trends”

Focus on single serve coffee and new materials for coffee capsules. The shocking fact that has emerged during the presentation is that plastic will remain the material of choice in the foreseeable future.

In fact, all the compostable alternatives have the same problem: price. They are not economically viable at present.

“Environmental challenges related to coffee capsules”, by Laura Peano, Senior Sustainability Consultant for Quantis International

Quantis International has analysed the topic of sustainable materials considering the enviromental impact that also “green materials” such as first generation bioplastic can have.  For example, they’re not completely ricyclable and they can cause water pollution or deforestation.

Klaus Peters “Ima Strategic approach and offer in the Coffee business”

The history of Ima Group since its decision to enter the coffee market. Peters explained the company’s mission to provide a complete service from green coffee to the cup.

The last presentation was by Andrea Clementini, Ceo of Caffitaly: “Ima Coffee case history – Caffitaly Factory

Another succes story, based on the creation of a flexible business model that in a few years has gained important partnerships with several brands around the world.


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