KOLKATA – Coffee producer and exporter of differentiated gourmet coffee Tata Coffee Limited on Wednesday announced its win at the prestigious Golden Peacock Awards 2014, for excellence in ‘Environment Management’ in the ‘Beverages’ category.
Golden Peacock Environment Management Award (GPEMA) is the coveted recognition that organizations across India strive to achieve for environment management. The award was presented at a specially organized Golden Peacock Awards Nite at The Ashoka Hotel, as part of the two-day 16th World Congress on Environment Management in New Delhi. Hameed Huq, Managing Director, Tata Coffee Limited said, It is a proud moment for the company to be applauded on a national platform such as the Golden Peacock Awards 2014. Tata Coffee has consistently been committed to environment protection and we rely and coexist with nature at our coffee plantations. We promote eco-tourism and sustainability. We are constantly improving the quality of coffee through sustainable practices and agronomy solutions.
INDIA – Tata Coffee receives top honours at the Golden Peacock Awards