Saturday 15 March 2025

LATTE ART – World Champion Hisako Yoshikawa crafts new foam art for Rwanda Project

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  • TME - Cialdy Evo

World Latte Art Champion Hisako Yoshikawa of Ogawa Coffee in Japan recently crafted something very special for Sustainable Harvest and RCI.

Below you can see a unique piece of latte art that Hisako created specifically for the Rwanda Project.


Here is the story behind the design from Hisako herself:

  • La Cimbali

Hisako Yoshikawa Small“Before I began thinking of the design, I researched Rwanda and learned about not only the courage of this country to overcome a terrifying experience, but also its courage in its current work towards a better future. My wish for this country and its people is to not commiserate so much in the past, and continue its courageous development towards a brighter future. This design is composed of the traditional handicraft of ‘agaseke’ (peace basket) and a dove that symbolizes peace. I added the coffee cherry and branch, which is also included in the Rwandan emblem, to communicate my wish for Rwanda to ‘take-off’ towards a peaceful and rich country with coffee. I am honored to be able to be able to contribute in this capacity and wish for the success of the Rwanda project.”

by Robert Lane


Hisako Yoshikawa, Ogawa Coffee Co. LTD., JAPAN - winner of World Latte Art comp at World of Coffee Nice 2013

About RCI

The mission of the Relationship Coffee Institute (RCI), a non-profit public benefit corporation, is to increase social and economic opportunity for smallholder commodity farmers and their families.

RCI joined Bloomberg Philanthropies to bring the innovative Relationship Model to Rwanda. Developed by RCI’s sister organization, Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers, this unique model disrupts opaque, commodity-driven systems to increase value throughout the supply chain, fosters greater sustainability and has a 15-year track record of demonstrated success with smallholder coffee farmers in Latin America and East Africa.

To implement the Relationship Model in low-income farmer communities, Bloomberg Philanthropies invited RCI to become a collaborative partner with Women for Women International.


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