MILAN – Lily Pacas was sworn in yesterday for a –year term, as executive director of the Salvadoran Coffee Council (CSC), the independent public body responsible for coffee policy and activities related to the coffee industry.
Pacas was the first female to become National Barista Champion in 2008; she is a taster, producer and businesswoman.
“Our Executive Director appreciates the opportunity to work for such an important sector and expresses her total willingness and support to contribute to the development and positioning of the coffee sector in our country,” the CSC said in a press release.
The institution was, during the previous Government, under the direction of Hugo Hernández.
The work of the CSC includes the registration of producers, the elaboration of coffee statistics and the promotion in international markets, for example in specialized fairs in the United States, Europe and Asia and the organization of barista, methods and the Cup of Excellence competitions .