Tuesday 25 March 2025

Nexe Coffee and Xoma Superfoods to be available on ECSCoffee.com

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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada – NEXE Innovations announces that both its XOMA Superfoods and NEXE Coffee beverages are going to be available for sale on ECSCoffee.com in December 2021. ECS Coffee brings a unique shopping experience to customers that combines an unbeatable selection of high quality brands with cutting edge technology and passionate and knowledgeable customer service.

In addition to helping pioneer the distribution of single-serve coffee pods in Canada in 2006, ECS has launched over 20 well-known coffee brands to coffee lovers through distribution, retail, e-commerce, and sampling programs across the country. The distribution partnership enables NEXE to have additional exposure to online consumers across Canada

NEXE Coffee and XOMA Superfoods pods are compatible with Keurig® single-serve brewing systems. XOMA Superfoods is set to be the first superfoods-focused beverage brand on the platform.

“Working with distribution partners such as ECS Coffee is an excellent opportunity for NEXE to continue to introduce our products to new customers seeking convenience and high-quality coffee beverages while reducing single-serve waste This promotion will serve to complement our direct-to-consumer efforts and growing list of retail offerings on the horizon,” said Ash Guglani, President of NEXE. “Our environmentally-friendly pod was engineered to maximize coffee extraction, be self-protected and prevent exposure to oxygen and water vapour to maintain freshness.”

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NEXE’s sustainable pods are produced in Canada and packed with organic coffee from carefully selected ethically sourced producers in Peru. The organic coffee beans are carefully procured from a producer in Peru and brought to the facility in British Columbia, where they are roasted, ground and packed into the NEXE Pod. The single-serve, proprietary, plant-based NEXE pods are made from 100% compostable materials, manufactured in North America, and break down completely in municipal composting facilities in as few as 35 days.

“We are very excited to launch the NEXE pod at ECS Coffee. We have been retailing and distributing single-serve coffee pods in Canada for over 15 years. NEXE is the first premium coffee pod to offer our customers a true earth-friendly coffee option for their Keurig® brewer. And having tasted the coffees this past week, I immediately placed an order. The quality is outstanding,” said Neil Madden, President of ECS Coffee.

Mordor Intelligence estimates that the single-serve coffee pod and capsule market was valued at US$25.07 billion in 2020, and it is projected to register a CAGR of 7.07% during the period between 2021-2026.


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