Saturday 15 March 2025

On top of the world, at Host

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  • TME - Cialdy Evo

The crème de la crème of the world of pastry making (no pun intended) will be taking Host 2015 by storm. The fair is the international stage for the two world championships organised by the International Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate Makers (FIP): the Cake Designers World Championship and the World Trophy of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate.

Leading professionals from around the world, grouped into 32 teams from Europe, Africa, the Far East (Japan and Thailand), the United States and South America (Peru and Chile), will provide a snapshot of current world trends.

“This will be a unique opportunity to get together and compare the different cultures of the world,” says Roberto Lestani, president of FIP and part of the FIP Italian excellence team, “and to experience the creations of the most authoritative international masters, including Kristina Rado of Hungary and Lisa Mansour from the United States for cake design, Dewen Wang from China, and Italy’s intaglio master, Girolamo Brescia.”

Italy’s hopes are pinned on a very young Italian team, who display a clear desire to grow: three highly professional youngsters who are “in it to win it”, as demonstrated by the fact that they are currently spending two hours training for the contest.

  • La Cimbali

Alongside the two world championship FIP will be running its own art gallery, with a display of artistic creations including pastry sculptures by cake designers Elisabetta Corneo and Rita d’Ascenzo, along with some “non-sweet” works, including Girolamo Brescia’s cheese sculptures and artistic bread creations by Dewen Wang, Rocco Fusaro and Joseph Malvasi.

There is then, plenty to look forward to, not just in terms of the inevitable new forms and flavours, but also because Host 2015 is the place where the selection for the 2017 championships will be made.

SourceHost 2015

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