Saturday 15 March 2025

Peruvian coffee farmers visit Colombia in sustainable farming exchange

Must read

  • TME - Cialdy Evo

A delegation of managers and promoters of Peruvian cooperatives from the northern region (Cajamarca and Amazonas), center (Junín) and south (Cusco and Puno) of Peru visited Colombia from July 3rd to 9th.

For seven days, they learned about the technical innovations in the production and marketing of high quality and specialty coffee in the neighboring country.

This internship, which was held under the Sustainable Development Model for Peruvian Coffee Project, implemented by the Junta Nacional de Café (JNC) and SCAN, with support from IDB / MIF-FOMIN and SECO, aimed at identifying technological innovations, technical assistance and expertise in order to develop sustainable coffee.

These are areas that Colombian coffee farmers have been working in for years.

  • La Cimbali

The Sustainable Development Model for Peruvian Coffee Project, which has been active in Peru for over three years, implemented this internship under three components: Technical Assistance to Coffee Organizations in Production Issues, Fostering Technological Innovation for Sustainable Coffee Production, and Learning, Communication and Evaluation Strategies for Catalytic Effects.

A commitment to share the experience

The delegation of Peruvian coffee farmers who traveled to Colombia have made a commitment to replicate the experience and knowledge acquired during the internship within their organizations and localities in Peru.

The Peruvian delegation, composed of 27 people, visited the following cooperatives: Caficauca (Cauca coffee farming cooperative), Cauca Coffee Farming Committee of the Colombian National Federation of Coffee Farmers, Almacafé (a company part of the Colombian National Federation of Coffee Farmers), International Center of Agriculture – CIAT Colombia, Supracafé Technological Park and the National Coffee Research Center – CENICAFÉ


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