MONTREAL, Canada – RGC Coffee is proud to announce Todos al Agua, an RGC 3E® supply chain project, was selected by the United Nations Global Compact Colombia Chapter as the winning initiative, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal #13 “Climate Action.” This award was presented to RGC as part of the annual Recognition of Good Practices in Sustainable Development.
“RGC accepts this recognition with great honor,” said Nathalie Gabbay, President of RGC Coffee. “We have been working collaboratively with Colombia’s Anserma Coffee Cooperative for the past four years to develop and implement nature-based solutions that restore, protect, and manage natural resources in coffee supply chains.”
The project first began in 2019 and has achieved incredible results. Here are details of the most notable achievements:
- 15,000 bags of coffee produced, with a sustainability premium invested directly in the community.
- Long term financial support by roaster and retailer partners through green coffee purchases.
- 45 families have received eco-efficient kitchens improving family health and reducing impact on forests.
- 1,200,000 kilos of coffee pulp converted into organic fertilizer each year.
- 417 wastewater treatment systems installed on farms.
- New community wet mill built is now receiving and processing coffee for 150 farmers.
- A new agronomist hired exclusively to visit, train and provide technical assistance to participating families.
- 268 families representing more than 1600 people, now have access to safe drinking water.
- 10,220,000 liters of water saved each year as a result of new infrastructure from project funds.
Hear directly from farmers participating in Todos al Agua, by watching the following testimonies:
- Estelia of Jesus Velez – Vereda Campo Alegre
- Daniel Gamboa – Instalación Ecomil
- Gloria Ines Acevedo – Cocina Ecológica Vereda La Loma Anserma
- Libadier Sanchez – Proceso de Reforestación, Vereda La Loma.
“On behalf of RGC, we want to thank the farmers, their families, coffee roasters, retailers and brands who support Todos al Agua and its mission to deliver real, long-term solutions that benefit people and the planet.
By working together towards a shared vision of sustainability, we are truly making a positive impact in the world,” said Angela Pelaez, Sustainability Manager of RGC Americas (the Bogota-based subsidiary of RGC Coffee).