GOTA Coffee ranked 3rd best coffee shop in the world and best in Europe
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MADRID, Spain – GOTA Coffee announces that it has been named the 3rd Best Coffee Shop in the World and the Best in Europe....
Probat named best managed company for the fourth time in a row
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EMMERICH, Germany - Probat is setting entrepreneurial standards and has once again convinced the panel of experts and the jury of the Best Managed...
La Marzocco awarded at the Corporate Heritage Awards for best integrated communications strategy
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ROME, Italy - On the 7th of November, during the annual institutional event in Italy XXII Settimana della Cultura d'Impresa (“XXII Week of Corporate...
Boncafé receives 3 awards for environment friendly business development, social responsability and safe workplace
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BANGKOKG, Thailand - Boncafé (Thailand), part of Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group, has recently been rewarded the following three prizes for its commitment in ESG....
Victoria Arduino Eagle Tempo espresso machine receives the Smart Label, Host Innovation Award
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MILAN, Italy - Next Friday, October 13th at Host Milano 2023, Victoria Arduino Eagle Tempo will be rewarded with the Smart Label, Host Innovation...
Sustainable impact through business: winners of the Fairtrade Global Awards announced
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NAIROBI, Kenya - Fairtrade announces the winners of the 2023 Fairtrade Global Awards, recognising the outstanding and innovative contributions from businesses to create a...
Franke Coffee System Mytico honored with the Mice Product Innovation Award for 2023
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AARBURG, Switzerland - Franke Coffee Systems, a global leader in coffee solutions, announces that its pioneering Mytico line* has been honored with the Mice...
Simonelli Group wins first prize of SDA Bocconi’s Best Performance Award in the Medium Company category
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BELFORTE DEL CHIENTI, Italy - SDA Bocconi honoured Simonelli Group with the first prize of Best Performance Award 2022/2023. The awards ceremony was held...
Linea Micra by La Marzocco wins the Best New Product category at Sprudge Awards
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SCARPERIA, Florence (Italy) - La Marzocco, the leader in espresso machine innovation and design, is nominated and announced as the winner in the Best...
La Marzocco announces winners of London Coffee Festival Awards 2019
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SCARPERIA, Florence, Italy – La Marzocco has been involved with the London Coffee Festival since its inception and the 2019 edition was yet another...