Slayer machines land in the heart of Bari, at Caffè Cognetti, Specialty Coffee & Bakery
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BARI, Italy – The collaboration continues between Slayer and Caffè Cognetti, Bari’s first micro-coffee roaster, operating since 1997, with a new location in the...
Kisses From Italy opens inaugural corporate-owned Italian location
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MIAMI, U.S. — Kisses From Italy Inc., the Florida based popular fast-casual eatery today announced the opening of its inaugural corporate-owned Italian location near...
DALLA CORTE MACHINES – … at “Io bevo caffè di qualità” in Bari, Italy
MILAN - The itinerant event will be held at Veronero Caffè, in Bari. On that occasion, Oran Gutan Coffee will be tasted, fruit of...