Friday 07 March 2025
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Coffee prices to rise modestly in 2016, despite supply deficit

MILAN – Demand will exceed supply by 3 million bags in coffee year 2015/16, according to the median forecast of coffee traders surveyed by Reuters. But a weak Real will limit the rally in prices to less than 15 percent from current levels.

Brazilian exports of Robusta sharply down in January

MILAN - Coffee exports from Brazil slowed down by 11.4 percent in January 2016 to 2,709,399 bags compared to 3,058,483 bags in January 2015, according to the Brazilian Council of Coffee Exporters, or Cecafé.

IBGE sees Brazil’s crop at 49.7 million bags

MILAN - Brazil's coffee output will surge 12.7 percent to 49.7 million bags in coffee season 2016/17, according to the latest monthly report from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

Brazil: CNC sees stocks shrinking to record low

MILAN - Brazilian ending coffee stocks are expected to fall to a record low, according to the National Coffee Council (CNC). Inventories in Brazilian storage facilities as of March 31st are likely to fall in a range between 4 and 6 million bags.

El Nino could complicate harvest operations in Brazil

MILAN - Brazilian farmers may face wetter than usual weather conditions due to the lingering effects of El Nino phenomenon as the country is...

Brazil’s exports hit new highs in 2015

MILAN – Despite a slight decline year on year in December, exports of coffee in all form from Brazil rose to a new all-time...

Brazil may reap a record crop in 2016

MILAN - Brazil will harvest a bumper crop this year, possibly the biggest in its history. In its first official forecast for the 2016/17...

ICE announces changes to differentials for Brazil, Colombia coffee

NEW YORK, U.S. - As announced on March 4th, 2014, effective with the May 2016 expiration, the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is revising the origin...

IBGE pegs Brazil’s crop at 49.7 million bags

MILAN - Brazil’s coffee crop in 2016/17 will reach 49.7 million bags, or a 12.5 percent increase on year, according to the Brazilian Institute...

USDA revises down coffee forecast

WASHINGTON - The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Foreign Agricultural Service released on Friday after the market close, its second “Coffee: World...

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