Thursday 13 March 2025
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coffee harvesting

Despite the beginning of the harvesting, Arabica coffee prices rise in Brazil, reports Cepea

SAO PAULO, Brazil – The harvesting of the 2021/22 crop of arabica coffee began in many regions of Brazil in mid-May. Activities should gradually...

Harvesting of the 2020/21 crop of Robusta crop is near the end in Brazil, reports Cepea

SAO PAULO, Brazil - The harvesting of the 2020/21 robusta coffee crop is expected to end in early August in Brazil, reports Cepea. In...

Harvesting, dollar depreciation press down Arabica prices in the Brazilian market, Cepea

SAO PAULO, Brazil – Arabica coffee prices dropped steeply in the Brazilian market in the first fortnight of June, pressed down by both the...

Rwanda coffee harvest to take place in compliance with social distancing rules

MILAN – Rwanda will continue to move forward with its May coffee harvest despite the global pandemic. The country plans on complying with social...

Coffee growers focus on the harvesting, market continues calm in Brazil

SAO PAULO, Brazil – In April, Brazilian coffee growers were mostly planning on the harvesting of the 2020/21 coffee crop, says Cepea in its...

FNC launches global call to make coffee harvesting more efficient

BOGOTA, Colombia – The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) recently launched a global call for making selective coffee harvesting in Colombia more efficient. This public...

FNC launches global call for proposals to increase harvesting efficiency

MEDELLÍN, Colombia – Within the framework of its 90th anniversary, the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) launched a public and global call to identify innovative proposals that increase efficiency of selective coffee harvesting. The initiative, known as CoffeepickINN, encourages entrepreneurs, research groups and ...

Angola: Producers in Uíge province get over 70,000 coffee seedlings

UÍGE, Angola — Seventy five thousand of coffee seedlings were distributed Monday in the northern Uíge province to 12 farmers in the region, against 55.600 in 2016. The fact was announced in this locality by the deputy governor for economic affairs of the Uíge, Carlos Mendes Samba, in the official opening ceremony of the campaign of coffee ...

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