Friday 14 March 2025
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coffee quality

XL Axiata collaborates with Scopi on IoT smart solutions to improve coffee product quality

JAKARTA, Indonesia – PT XL Axiata Tbk through XL Axiata Business Solutions is collaborating with SCOPI (Sustainable Coffee Platform of Indonesia), in implementing an...

Study looks at how climate change might be affecting taste, aroma, overall coffee quality

MEDFORD, MA, US – Whether you prefer notes of berry and citrus or chocolate and nuts, dark roast or light, a good cup of...

Study shows how coffee quality is affected by environmental shifts, management practices

BOZEMAN, Montana — A team from Montana State University, Tufts University and the Specialty Coffee Association has published a study finding that coffee quality...

New research project from Cirad tests the use of biochemical analysis to predict coffee quality

PARIS, France – Across the coffee supply chain, quality is a key issue for a number of different stakeholders. Farmers often receive higher prices...

«Colombia has how to defend itself: with coffee quality» says Fnc Head

BOGOTA, Colombia – At a time when low international prices threaten sustainability of coffee production in different countries, Colombia has how to defend itself,...

Vietnam to monitor quality through new data base of coffee areas

HANOI, Vietnam — A database of coffee areas will be used as a digital tool to assist partners in managing coffee plantations and quality...

Nestlé signs memorandum of understanding to improve coffee quality in Yunnan, China

MILAN – Nestlé Coffee Center and the Yunnan Agriculture University signed a memorandum of understanding Monday to improve coffee plants in the city of...

Here is how coffee quality is improving in Italian restaurants

MILAN — The coffee served in restaurants has always been a bit of a sore point. Often, even after a meal of exceptionally high...

Call for Paper: “The quality of coffee: a never ending research” conference

Researchers, students and experts in coffee-related disciplines can present their studies at the international conference "The Quality of Coffee: a never ending research" planned...

Tim Hortons opened this café in Toronto to prove a point about its coffee

TORONTO, Canada – Tim Hortons is the pride and joy of Canada, but its coffee doesn't always have the best reputation. That may be why the coffee chain introduced its latest product without any Tim Hortons signage. The company opened a trendy cafe under the pseudonym of "Perfectly Uncomplicated Lattes" to sell its new two-ingredient drink.

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