Unilever joins consortium designing ventilators for UK hospitals
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MILAN – Unilever has joined forces with businesses from the aerospace, automotive and medical sectors in a consortium which has received formal orders from...
Nestlé enters into exclusive negotiations to sell Nestlé Skin Health
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VEVEY, Switzerland – Nestlé today announced that it has entered into exclusive negotiations with a consortium led by EQT and a wholly owned subsidiary...
Starbucks announces latest progress and plans for served sustainably
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SEATTLE, U.S. – Starbucks customers in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver and London will help test new Greener Cups that will be both...
Nespresso and Blue Marble launch crop insurance for Colombian growers
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NEW YORK, U.S. – Nestlé Nespresso SA and Blue Marble Microinsurance, a consortium of eight companies with the aim of providing socially impactful, commercially viable insurance protection to the underserved, today announced their partnership. Nespresso and Blue Marble are collaborating on ...
Carlyle Consortium nears deal to buy McDonald’s China franchise
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McDonald's Corp has picked a consortium led by private-equity firm Carlyle Group LP and Chinese conglomerate CITIC Group Corp to buy its Chinese mainland...
GLOBAL NEWS – Consortium led by Singapore’s Temasek offers $2.1 billion for remaining Olam shares
SINGAPORE – According to sources, a consortium led by Singapore’s state investment firm Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd said it will put up 2.53 billion...
US – Global Office Solutions launched new Office Coffee Service Division
NOVI, MI – Over the past month Global Office Solutions – a leading independent office solutions provider in Michigan – launched its Beverage, Breakroom...