Brazil’s coffee exports hit by eight-week-old customs strike, reports Cecafé
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South America's largest port, Santos of Brazil, has been hard hit by strike action by the nation's customs officials, which has intensified as it...
Vietnam’s exports fall to 5-month low on higher prices and thinning demand
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HANOI, Vietnam – Coffee exports from Vietnam fell to 134,800 tons in April, the lowest level in five months, the country’s customs office stated. Sales from the world's largest Robusta producer and exporter, fell 28.3 percent from the same month in 2016, the Finance Ministry-run Vietnam Customs said in its monthly report.
Vietnam’s export up 11.5 percent in January
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HANOI, Vietnam – Vietnam shipped 170,000 tonnes (2.83 million 60-kg bags) of coffee in January, up 11.5 percent from December, according to new customs...
Women forbidden from entering Starbucks in Saudi Arabia
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MILAN - Saudi Arabia’s religious police barred women from entering a Starbucks coffee shop after a gender-separating wooden wall collapsed many times under customer stampedes, Emirates 24/7, reported on Sunday.
Vietnam’s coffee exports sharply down (-36%) in 1H
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Vietnam shipped 104,200 tonnes of coffee (1.74 million bags) in June, down 1.2 percent from the same month of 2014, the Vietnam Customs reported...
VIETNAM – Coffee shipments sharply up in November
MILAN – Coffee shipments from Vietnam rose sharply by 31.4% month-on-month to 80,372 tons in November this year, according to the latest data released...