ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire – The Executive Director of the International Cocoa Organization presents his compliments and the has honour to inform Members that, at...
LONDON ─ The Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, Mr José Sette, gave a speech in the opening ceremony of the World Coffee Producers Forum, which took place in Medellin, Colombia from 10 to 12 July 2017. Mr Sette stressed that ...
MEDELLIN, Colombia – The executive director of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) José Sette said on Tuesday that he was "concerned" about global coffee supplies over the next five years because of low prices and climate change. "In many countries, prices are not considered remunerable ...
LONDON – The Executive Director, Mr José Sette, made a presentation during the Coffee Summit, organized by the Brazilian coffee exporters association (CeCafé), which took place on 9 June 2017 in São Paulo. In his presentation, which was part of a panel on ‘Challenges to Supply’, the Executive Director presented ...
LONDON, 17 March 2017 — The International Coffee Council met in London at the headquarters of the International Coffee Organization from 13 to 17 March 2017 for its 119th session and decided by consensus to appoint Mr José Dauster Sette as Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization for a five-year term.
As part of The Coffee Quality Institute’s long term commitment and partnership with the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation and the Colombia coffee industry, CQI’s...
BONN, Germany - The Board, together with the HR Committee of the Global Coffee Platform, has unanimously appointed Annette Pensel (picture) as the Executive...