Wawa announces opening date of first store in Georgia
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WAWA, Pa., USA – Wawa has announced the grand opening date and location of its first store in the state of Georgia. The event...
Tuttocapsule opens its first store in Georgia
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SETTIMO TORINESE, Italy - These are thriving months for Tuttocapsule on the international market. In May, the Italian chain of capsules stores has opened...
PJ’s Coffee is poised for franchise growth in Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi
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NEW ORLEANS, US – PJ's Coffee of New Orleans – a gourmet coffee company renowned for its fresh beans and superior-roasting techniques – announced...
Russian coffee chain Shokoladnitsa expands to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia
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MOSCOW – The management of Russian coffee chain Shokoladnitsa, which also operates the chains of Coffee House and Wabi-Sabi, is negotiating a franchise to enter the markets of Uzbekistan, Georgia, and the expanding of Coffee House brand to the market of Kazakhstan.
Georgian coffee to be exported to Russia and Kazakhstan
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Cherie LLC, a Georgian coffee production company, is planning to deliver its coffee to Russian and Kazakhstan markets. According to Cherie CEO Irakli Lomtatidze, the...
NAMA – State Representative Lynne Riley learns about the Economic Impact of vending industry during visit with the Georgia Automatic Merchandising Council
CHICAGO, US – The Georgia Automatic Merchandising Council (GAMC) hosted State Representative Lynne Riley (R-Dist.50) at dinner in the Atlanta area recently. “It was an...