TuttoFood and HostMilano meet with the business community in Dubai
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DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — An unmissable event for the region’s food and agriculture and hospitality professionals took place last week in Dubai, focusing...
From the bean to the cup: the world of coffee lands at HostMilano
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MILAN, Italy – From the bean to the cup. That’s the journey that coffee – the second most exchanged product after oil – has...
Professional Catering in all of its many forms takes centre stage at HostMilano
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MILAN, Italy — Catering in all of its many forms. From ovens to stoves, from chopping to the more recent food processing methods, from...
Smart Label award for innovation returns to HostMilano in 2019
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It has become a regular and is indeed now an unmissable feature of HostMilano: 2019 sees the return of the SMART Label award for...
HostMilano looks again to the Americas for its 2019 edition
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Once again for the 2019 edition, the New World is of particular interest to HostMilano. The fact that these are extremely interesting and vital...
HostMilano: Preparations are already in full swing for next year’s edition
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It’s all about keeping up the momentum: that, in a nutshell, is the philosophy of HostMilano, the leading hospitality fair held every two years. Fiera...
Visitors and buyers describe their business experience at HostMilano
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MILAN – The great success of HostMilano 2017, the world’s leading trade fair for hospitality in all its different facets created by Fiera Milano, goes...
HostMilano: “Hosting” the world pastry championships again in 2019
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The selection process to identify the finalists who will take part in the 2019 edition of the FIPGC Cake Designers World Championship and the...
Exhibitors, visitors and buyers describe their experience at HostMilano
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MILAN, Italy – The great success ofHostMilano 2017, the world’s leading trade fair for hospitality in all its different facets created by Fiera Milano,...
Milan Coffee Festival to host workshops, contests and themed events
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MILAN, Italy – Milan Coffee Festival, a new Italian event devoted to that most popular of beverages, will be held from 19 to 21...