Cocoa Market Review: dry weather in Africa boosts prices in London and New York
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This review of the cocoa market situation reports on cocoa price movements on international markets during the month of June 2018. It aims to...
Interactivity rules for the 1,500 attendees at World Cocoa Conference
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The most interactive edition ever of the World Cocoa Conference, the fourth in the ICCO’s series, was held at the Maritim Berlin Hotel in...
ICCO Cocoa Market Review shows sharp downward trend in May 2018
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This review of the cocoa market situation reports on cocoa price movements on international markets during the month of May 2018. It aims to...
ICCO Quarterly Bulletin sees global cocoa surplus of 10,000 tonnes in 2017/18
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ABIDJAN, Côte d'Ivoire – The International Cocoa Organization, or ICCO has released its revised forecasts for the current 2017/2018 cocoa year and revised estimates...
Icco: Higher-than-expected grindings figures support prices
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This review of the cocoa market situation reports on cocoa price movements on international markets during the month of April 2018. It aims to...
Fourth World Cocoa Conference urges efforts to improve sustainability
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BERLIN, Germany – Released on April 25th, 2018, following input from about 1,500 stakeholders who attended the Fourth World Cocoa Conference in Berlin, was...
Icco Cocoa Market Review: futures prices rallied on supply concern
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This review of the cocoa market situation reports on cocoa price movements on international markets during the month of March 2018. It aims to...
Fourth World Cocoa Conference set to draw 1,500 stakeholders to Berlin
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BERLIN, Germany — Some 1,500 stakeholders from around the world and across the sector are expected to gather in Berlin in April to discuss...
Icco forecasts global cocoa surplus of 105,000 tonnes in 2017/18 season
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ABIDJAN, Côte d'Ivoire – The International Cocoa Organization (Icco) released yesterday its first forecasts for the 2017/2018 cocoa year and revised estimates of world...
Icco Cocoa Market Review: prices followed a downward trend in December
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This review of the cocoa market situation reports on cocoa price movements on the international markets during the month of December 2017. It aims...