ICO’s new Executive Director José Sette meets high-level representatives
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LONDON, UK – Mr José Sette, Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, took office on 1 May 2017. He paid courtesy visits to the following Ambassadors to discuss the challenges facing the coffee sector globally and specifically with reference to their countries.
Downward correction as funds respond to increasingly positive outlook
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LONDON – Coffee prices fell sharply at the end of April as institutional investors sold off their positions. The coffee market continues to be well supplied as total exports in the first half of coffee year 2016/17 are estimated up by 4.8% to 60 million bags. In absence of fundamental news, the outlook for the 2017/18 crop ...
ICO Internship Programme Spring/Summer 2017 ─ now accepting applications
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LONDON, UK ─ The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is now accepting applications for its Spring/Summer 2017 Internship Programme at its office based in London. The deadline for the submission of applications is 15 May 2017. Interested applicants should be at graduate or post-graduate level and should have an interest in research in ...
Market weakens further due to high exports and increasing inventory levels
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LONDON – In March, the ICO composite indicator price fell slightly. While Robustas remained broadly stable, Arabica prices were under pressure. Despite the poor Conilon/Robusta harvest in Brazil and Vietnam, the market remained well supplied as export levels in the period October 2016 to February 2017 ...
First World Coffee Producers Forum to be held in MedellÃn, Colombia
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BOGOTA, Colombia –Besides the recognized expert and leader in sustainable development Professor Jeffrey Sachs as keynote speaker, the program of the first World Coffee Producers Forum includes figures of international stature and will address issues of great importance for the entire coffee industry, making this event a must.
Brazilian José Dauster Sette appointed as ICO’s new Executive Director
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LONDON, 17 March 2017 — The International Coffee Council met in London at the headquarters of the International Coffee Organization from 13 to 17 March 2017 for its 119th session and decided by consensus to appoint Mr José Dauster Sette as Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization for a five-year term.
ICO Report: Coffee market turns down slightly as supply concerns ease
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LONDON, UK – ICO indicator prices fell slightly across all groups but the decline was most pronounced for Robustas. The controversy concerning the need for Brazil to import Robusta to alleviate supply shortages ...
World production to remain stable despite Arabica/Robusta divergence
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LONDON, UK - An initial estimate of global coffee production in 2016/17 suggests that the world total will remain relatively stable, up 0.1% to...
ICO’s Executive Director Robério Oliveira Silva passes away at age 53
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The International Coffee Organization announces, with great sadness, the passing of the Executive Director, Mr Robério Oliveira Silva, on 30 December 2016 in Belo...
Downward correction in coffee market as supply prospects improve
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The recent rally in coffee prices underwent a notable reversal in November 2016, attributed to improved weather prospects in Brazil and Vietnam and a...