IMF Roasters and Alessandro Garbin, a story of passion and innovation
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OCCHIOBELLO, Italy – Alessandro Garbin, drawing on a family tradition spanning three generations in the world of green coffee, recounts his experience at the...
Lauro Fioretti, Simonelli Group: “We want to continue supporting SCA and WCE since it leads to an improvement in the market”
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MILAN, Italy – The discussion with engineer Lauro Fioretti starts with an account of his role at Simonelli Group, in which, over the course...
Marco Padelli about Gruppo Gimoka’s goals: “We want to maintain double-digit growth and strengthen our position in the Italian and global market”
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Marco Padelli, chief global business officer of the Gruppo Gimoka, reveals the reasons behind the growth that has made the company famous during these...
Andres and Jose Larin, Estate ‘98: “Our mission is to offer the most authentic, innovative, high quality coffee experience”
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MIAMI, Florida (USA) – Estate ‘98 Ultra-Concentrated Coffee is slowly changing the way people enjoy coffee through a time-honored recipe. The product is made...
Andrea Pozzolini, CEO Rhea Vendors: “Using AI to enhance quality in the vending sector”
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MILAN, Italy - Andrea Pozzolini, CEO of Rhea Vendors Group, one of the most important manufacturers in the world regarding tailor-made vending machines, reveals...
Niko Sunko, from Bell Lane Coffee “I decided to go with IMF, because I wanted a roasting machine with no limitations”
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OCCHIOBELLO (Italy) – In the wake of European and global expansion, companies need the ability to continuously adapt to the latest industry trends. IMF...
Gilberto Guidi, REPA at WOC: “We offer an widening range of original parts and present the new World of Beans project”
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CESENA, Italy - REPA – The Spare Parts Group will soon be present as exhibitor at World of Coffee 2023 in Athens, which will...
Marco Feliziani, Simonelli Group: “Victoria Arduino Eagle Tempo gives a Poetry in Motion experience”
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MILAN, Italy - Victoria Arduino, one of the global brand leaders in the professional coffee machines sector, has just launched a new product, Eagle...
Andrej Godina and Paolo Andrigo talk about the new technologies applied to the coffee supply chain
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MILAN, Italy - Coffee expert Andrej Godina interviewed Accenture’s Paolo Andrigo during the Aromateller Expert journey at the Slow Food Las Capucas Sustainable Coffee...
Jenaro Lopez Ribero, CEO of Café de Manica: “Our focus is to stop deforestation and preserve biodiversity”
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SUSSUNDEGA VILLAGE, Mozambique - Café de Manica is a company focused on sustainable coffee production nationally. The project promotes a pro-women sustainable movement in...