GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG – IVS Group S.A. informs that its subsidiary IVS Italia S.p.A., acquired the business of Pronto Coffee, agent for the distribution of the Professional Line of Nespresso coffee pods in the provinces of Modena, Bologna, Ferrara and Rovigo (Italy).
GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG – The Board of Directors of IVS Group S.A., convened on May 25th, 2017, and chaired by Cesare Cerea, reviewed and approved the Interim Consolidated Financial Schedule at 31 March 2017, showing a significant growth of the group’s results.
GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG – The Board of Directors of IVS Group S.A. (IVS.MI) chaired by Cesare Cerea, convened on March 21st, 2017 in Seriate (BG), has reviewed and approved the Annual Financial Report at 31 December 2016, the Management Report and related documents.