Swedish brand Sproud officially launches in US and Canadian markets
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MILAN — Sproud has officially launched in the United States and Canada following the brand’s success among consumers and baristas in across Europe. Sproud...
Fairtrade Producer Relief Fund announced on World Fair Trade Day
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OTTAWA, Canada – On World Fair Trade Day, Fairtrade International announces the launch of a “Fairtrade Producer Relief Fund” and establishment of a “Fairtrade...
Promise Cold Brew Tea will launch at Expo West 2020 in Anaheim
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MILAN – Promise Cold Brew Tea will launch at Expo West (March 3-7 in Anaheim, CA), with its debut flavors including African Hibiscus and...
First Coke-branded Energy Drink to launch in the US in January 2020
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MILAN – Coca-Cola hopes to bring new fans into the energy drink category next year with the U.S. launch of Coca-Cola Energy, an approachable...
Community Coffee Company launches in Walmart Nationwide
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BATON ROUGE, La., U.S. — Community Coffee Company, the number one family-owned retail coffee brand in America, is pleased to announce its expansion with...
La Colombe Coffee Roasters launches Oatmilk Draft Latte in cans
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PHILADELPHIA, U.S. — La Colombe, a leading coffee roaster known for ethical, direct- trade practices with growers, a pioneer in cold brew and creator...
New Brazilian instant coffee brand Explore&Enjoy to target Arab countries
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SÃO PAULO, Brazil – The Brazilian Soluble Coffee Industry Association (ABICS) launched a brand this month for the worldwide promotion of the product: Explore&Enjoy...
Coca-Cola HBC to launch Costa Coffee in multiple markets in 2020
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ZUG, Switzerland DUNSTABLE, BEDFORDSHIRE, England — Coca-Cola HBC – one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world – plans to launch Costa Coffee...
Innovative Coffee Company Still Coffee set to launch officially on Amazon
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MILAN — The Still Coffee is looking like the latest addition to the Still Company family as a recent announcement from the company shows...
Rise Brewing Co’s nitro cold brew coffee launches in the US at Walmart
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NEW YORK, U.S. — Rise Brewing Co., the innovative nitro cold brew coffee brand, announced that they are hitting the shelves in over 2,000...