Sunday 16 March 2025
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Enso neutral is favored during the Northern Hemisphere Fall 2019, says Noaa

COLLEGE PARK, Maryland, U.S. – During August, ENSO neutral continued as reflected by near-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across most of the central and...

A transition from El Niño to Enso-neutral is expected in the next month or two

COLLEGE PARK, Maryland, U.S. – During June, El Niño was reflected in the continued presence of above average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) across the...

La Niña is likely through the Northern Hemisphere winter 2017-18

La Niña strengthened during the past month, as indicated by an increasingly prominent pattern of below-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) across the central and...

ENSO-Neutral conditions are slightly favored during the upcoming Northern Hemisphere fall and winter

ENSO-Neutral conditions were observed over the past month, although sea surface temperatures (SSTs) were below-average over the east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean. While the Niño-3.4...

La Niña is slightly favored for August – October

ENSO-neutral conditions were observed during the past month, featuring slightly below average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) close to the equator across the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean ...

El Niño 75% likely to become La Niña

La Niña is favored to develop during the Northern Hemisphere summer 2016, with about a 75 percent chance of La Nina during the fall and winter 2016 - 17, according to the U.S. National ...

La Niña likely by fall 2016, says NOAA

The strong El Niño of 2015/16 is on the decline, and the CPC/IRI forecast says it’s likely that conditions will transition to neutral by...

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