Nestlé commits to make the nutritional value of its global portfolio transparent
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VEVEY, Switzerland – Nestlé today announced new commitments to help bring balanced diets within reach for people around the world. The company will make...
Nestlé announces industry-leading push to use Nutri-Score nutrition labeling
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VEYVEY, Switzerland – Nestlé has announced that it will use Nutri-Score nutrition labeling in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland, starting in the first...
PepsiCo acquires U.S. plant-based nutrition bar maker Health Warrior
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PURCHASE, N.Y., U.S. — PepsiCo, Inc. announced yesterday it has acquired Health Warrior, Inc., a U.S.-based nutrition-forward company that makes plant-based products including nutrition bars...
Starbucks Canada introduces calories on menu boards nationwide
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TORONTO, Ontario, Canada - Starbucks today announced last week it will include calorie information on menu boards at all company-operated and licensed Canadian Starbucks...
WEF – Nestlé CEO says collaboration needed to feed a growing world
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The World Economic Forum (WEF) has published an editorial written by Nestlé CEO Paul Bulcke in which he calls for a multistakeholder approach to...
VENDING – Diane Striegel of Mondelēz International joins NAMA’s Nutrition Advisory Council
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CHICAGO, USA – NAMA announced on October 28, 2014, that Diane Striegel, Corporate Planning Manager of Food Service and Vending for Mondelēz International, has...
GLOBAL NEWS – Nestlé publishes 2013 Annual Report
VEVEY, Switzerland - Nestlé’s efforts to meet a series of commitments in areas where the company engages with society are detailed in a new...
ITALY – EU signed up for Expo Milano 2015
MILANO – The formal participation contract of the EU in the Expo Milano 2015 was signed yesterday in Milan in the presence of the...