The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) from 13 - 17 November 2017 brought together the global cocoa research community for its first International Symposium on...
WASHINGTON, U.S. – U.S. Congressmen and businessmen from the United States praised the quality of Peruvian coffee and cocoa and celebrated the success of...
WASHINGTON D.C., U.S. – Mayors of Huanuco, Pasco, Piura, Ayacucho, Junin, and Cajamarca regions —specifically from coffee and cacao growing areas in Peru —...
IRVING, Texas, U.S. – For its next exclusive single-origin coffee, 7‑Eleven, Inc. headed south to the Cajamarca region of Peru. As with its other...
TOLEDO, Ohio, U.S. – Starting July 18, Levanta Coffee hopes to bring better wages to coffee farmers—and better coffee to businesses in the United...
LIMA, Peru – Peruvian coffee is ready to captivate European palates once again with the relaunch of "Starbucks Origin Espresso Peru Cusco," now back in more than 65 Starbucks stores across Spain, the Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry (Mincetur) reported on Monday.
LIMA, Peru – Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski met mayors of coffee-growing areas located in Junin, Pasco, San Martin and Huanuco regions before their trip to the U.S. to attend a culinary fair in Washington D.C. Authorities will lead their corresponding delegations of coffee producers while at the Fifth Annual Taste of Peru, slated for ...
PUNO, Peru – In November 2016, a bus traveling to the district of Putina Punco in southern Peru, deep in the forest and hours from the nearest city, was attacked by thugs with ski masks and long-range weapons. They stole cell phones and all the money that the passengers were going to spend in the traditional Sunday market.
ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire – The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO), in partnership with the Government of Peru, is organizing the International Symposium on Cocoa Research – ISCR 2017 – to review recent advances in technology and innovations, share information and agree on common strategies aimed at accelerating the development of the ...