Sao Paulo
Brazilian city of Campinas to host unique running event in a coffee farm
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The 3rd edition of the Coffee Run and Walk, which will take place in the grounds of the Santa Elisa farm, in Campinas, 94...
ICO Executive Director at CeCafé Coffee Summit in São Paulo
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LONDON – The Executive Director, Mr José Sette, made a presentation during the Coffee Summit, organized by the Brazilian coffee exporters association (CeCafé), which took place on 9 June 2017 in São Paulo. In his presentation, which was part of a panel on ‘Challenges to Supply’, the Executive Director presented ...
Italian business Opem S.p.a. opens its first foreign subsidiary in Brazil
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After distributing its coffee vacuum pack filling systems to the top coffee manufacturers in Brazil for over 20 years, Italian firm OPEM S.p.A. based...
OPEM S.P.A. lands in Brazil: a new branch opening in São Paulo
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OPEM S.P.A. is inaugurating its new office in SÃO PAULO, Brazil. This legendary company from Parma founded in 1974 by its CEO, Fabio Binacchi,...
Wega to exhibit at Fispal Café
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From 14th to 17th June 2016 Wega Macchine per Caffè will be among the exhibitors at Fispal Café, the Business Trade Show for the...
El Nino to bring warmer temperatures in Brazil’s coffee belt
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El Nino will bring warmer temperatures in Brazil’s coffee belt. According to Brazil’s National Meteorological Institute (Inmet) the country will experience a moderate El...
BRAZIL – Nespresso shares its coffee expertise at its new Nespresso Expertise Centre in Sao Paulo
SAO PAULO - This fall, a former Nespresso Boutique Bar on Padre João Manoel Street in Sao Paulo was reopened as a new concept:...