Feature documentary The Coffee Man will be released online via iTunes this week. The film follows a former Olympian turned coffee pro, Canberra barista...
ELMSFORD, NY – Urnex Brands, LLC congratulates the nine baristas selected as Urnex Global Ambassadors for the 2015 World Barista Championship.
We are thrilled that...
BELFORTE DEL CHIENTI, Italy – Seattle crowns Sasa Setic as 2015 World Barista Champion, where for the first time barista competitors used the Victoria...
ELMSFORD, NY – Urnex Brands, Inc. has recently announced the names of eight baristas who have been selected as Urnex Global Ambassadors.
The Ambassadors, who...
Australian Capital Territory’s Sasa Sestic has been named Australia’s best barista. Sasa, who works for Canberra-based coffee company Ona Coffee, impressed the judges with...