Senzani Brevetti: Omnia‚ new all-in-one cartoner for coffee capsules‚ shined at Host2021
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FAENZA (Ravenna) - A great success: this is how Senzani Brevetti describes their participation in the latest edition of the trade exhibition Host Milano,...
The revolutionary Senzani solutions for the packaging of coffee capsules at Host
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MILAN, Italy – The latest innovations for the automatic packaging of coffee capsules by Senzani Brevetti will be in the spotlight at Host Milano,...
Senzani introduces 0mnia, the revolutionary all-in-one cartoner for all coffee capsules formats
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FAENZA, Ravenna, Italy – The coffee capsules world is constantly evolving: new formats and also new packaging types are demanded to meet marketing and...
Cellini coffee picks Senzani packaging to conquer the capsules market
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GENOVA, Italy – Cellini coffee decided to empower its presence on coffee capsules market making an important investment. Aiming at the target, the company...