The Blue Card and Don Pablo Coffee launch Blue Card Coffee to support Holocaust survivors
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NEW YORK, NY and MIAMI, FL, USA – In a groundbreaking partnership, the esteemed national nonprofit The Blue Card and Miami-based premium coffee roaster...
Sisters Coffee roasts up Friends blend to support Friends of the Children
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SISTERS, Oregon, USA – Sisters Coffee Company, which has focused on creating an authentic coffee experience since its founding in 1989, is teaming up...
The Bully Bean Coffee supporting dog rescues throughout the US
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CROMWELL, CT, USA – Specialty Coffee Company, The Bully Bean Coffee, has announced that a portion of their proceeds will go to help rescue...
Honduran Platform for Sustainable Coffee launched with 13 local actors
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TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras – With the main objective of contributing to improving the livelihoods of families of small coffee producers, the Honduran Platform for Sustainable...
COFFEE KIDS – October, ten days of solidarity for Nuova Simonelli customers
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Till October 10 all owners of a Nuova Simonelli coffee machine have the opportunity, at no cost, to become protagonists in an important charitable...
ITALY – Nuova Simonelli and Coffee Kids in a new project of solidarity
BELFORTE DEL CHIENTI – Nuova Simonelli and Coffee Kids working together. In September a project of solidarity will improve access to education for children...
ALMONDY – Let them eat cake during UK Coffee Week
LONDON – With UK Coffee Week under way, in support of Project Waterfall, Swedish, Gothenburg-based bakery Almondy is urging caterers not to underestimate the...