La Marzocco presents: Hands for Songwa & the Strada AV at Triestespresso
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FLORENCE, Italy - La Marzocco, a world leading manufacturer of traditional professional handmade in Florence specialty coffee equipment, is presenting at the European biennial Triestespresso ...
“Origin” Exhibit by Jakob de Boer at Leica Galerie Milano
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MILAN, Italy - Leica Galerie Milano, in via Mengoni 4 (corner of Piazza Duomo), is hosting the exhibit ORIGIN by Jakob de Boer, a...
Joining forces for a better world: Mahlkönig, Probat & La Marzocco sponsored a new school building for Songwa
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HAMBURG, Germany - In the heart of Tanzania, about 900 km away from the capital city Dar es Salaam lies Songwa Estates, where German...
Origin, Fine Art Photography from Tanzania
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La Marzocco, the Florentine world leader in professional espresso coffee machines, organized its latest edition of OUT OF THE BOX, from October 22 to...