Israel: A Turkish coffee break is a traditional way to chill out and relax
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As tensions rise across the Middle East, one coffee company has taken a different tack, suggesting that everyone just take a break. A coffee break, to be exact, and not just any coffee. Sobhi Nakhly, which over three generations has grown to become one of Israel’s biggest producers of Arabic “black” coffee, this week launched an ad campaign ...
Strauss reports first quarter results
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Strauss has concluded a strong first quarter of 2016 with 7.7% growth in EBIT and 5.1% growth in net profit. Foreign currency effect led to a 2.6% drop in the Group’s Shekel sales; excluding foreign ...
New appointments in Strauss Water
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Ronen Zohar, CEO of Strauss Water- the international water company of Strauss Group – today announced the promotion of company employees Dror Morad and...
ISRAEL – Elite Balance Coffee among winners of the “Product of the Year 2015″ Award
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Two days before general elections in Israel, consumers’ choices of the most innovative products and services in 2015 were announced yesterday, March 15, in...