GENEVA, Switzerland – Improving traceability along the coffee supply chain in Latin America for the benefit of producers, traders and consumers, and to help...
MILAN – Scientific traceability company, Oritain, is now working with the Alliance for Coffee Excellence to verify the origin of coffee submitted for auction...
LONDON, UK – TRC Specialty Coffee in collaboration with iFinca is innovating a new wave in coffee transparency and traceability. Leveraging the CoffeeChain technology,...
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada – Ethical Bean, a leading roaster of 100% fairtrade and Usda certified organic coffee, is now widely available in the...
KONA, Hawaii, U.S. – ECropOrigin announces its new application, The Coffee Connection Application (TCCA), which provides traceability and increases transparency to help verify authenticity...
AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands – Cargill is investing over a $113 million to expand its cocoa processing sites in Yopougon, Ivory Coast and Tema, Ghana....