world coffee market
ICO sees 2023/2024 an “exceptional off-year” for coffee production in Brazil
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LONDON, UK – The world coffee market is expected to run a surplus of 1.0 million bags in coffee year 2023/24, said the International...
Usda forecasts world coffee production for 2020/21 at a record 176.1 million bags (5.4%)
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MILAN – The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), through its Foreign Agricultural Service, has released the new Coffee: World Markets and Trade report...
Usda sees world coffee production a record 174.5 million bags in CY 2018/19
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WASHINGTON, U.S. – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “Coffee: World Markets and Trade" report pegs world coffee production for CY 2018/19 at a record...
Global coffee consumption to witness moderate growth in the next 5 years
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ROCKVILLE, MD, U.S. – According to the International Coffee Organization, the global coffee consumption has exhibited a modest growth in the past couple of...
Maurizio Giuli explains the evolution of the world market for roasted coffee
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MILANO - In this article our intent is to answer to this complicated question: how has evolved the Trade of Roasted coffee wordlwide in the 2 decades 1994-2014. In order to better analyse the evolution of the market over this time span, we referred to a study by Maurizio Giuli
Lavazza to buy French brand Carte Noire for EUR750 million
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MILAN - Lavazza is expected to close in a few weeks the purchase of Carte Noire, the French market leader in coffee with about 20% market share in the retail channel, according to sources close...
DOCUMENTS – Full text of the Belo Horizonte Declaration
During its 111th Session held in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, on 9-12 September 2013, the International Coffee Council adopted the Belo Horizonte Declaration which...