Friday 14 March 2025

Third edition of Milano Food City to focus the creative genius of Leonardo da Vinci

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MILAN, Italy — The third edition of Milano Food City is the biggest event dedicated to food and food culture and returns to the city from 3 to 9 May, inspired by the creative genius and capacity for innovation of Leonardo da Vinci. The announcement to the press and trade was made this morning by Cristina Tajani, Councillor for Labour Policies, Manufacturing Activities and Trade, during her speech at the press conference to present TuttoFood 2019.

“The success of the two past editions of Milano Food City in terms of audience and participation motivated us to continue with the successful formula, focusing on a calendar of events spread throughout the city to tell the story of food and food culture and, at the same time, raise awareness among the people of Milan in relation to the fight against food waste and attention to others” says Councillor for Labour Policies, Manufacturing Activities and Trade, Cristina Tajani. She then continues: “Milano Food City is an appointment that has become a must, an event not to be missed in the calendar of weeks proposed by the City Council. It has established itself among the trade and the people of Milan, promoting the culture of food as an element of aggregation, solidarity and knowledge of the territory”.

Milano Food City is the result of a shared vision and the partnership between Comune di Milano, Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi, Coldiretti Lombardia, Confcommercio Milano Lodi Monza e Brianza, Fiera Milano, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and Fondazione Umberto Veronesi which will bring the city to life for a week, with talks, tours, events, meetings, art, tastings and cultural-gastronomic experiences in a big celebration of food and food culture. The week will involve all the protagonists of the agri-food system, from lovers of fine foods to operators in the trade, from the production chain to the distribution and consumption of products, from large and small producers to simple consumers and gourmands.

The theme of Milano Food City 2019 “genius and creativity” concentrates on the attitude to ingenuity, including that of Leonardo da Vinci, naturally expressed in food: in scientific and technological research applied to the food sector, with a view to a healthy lifestyle based on well-being, sport and prevention, but also environmental and economic sustainability, for the general benefit of all; in art and entertainment, which enhance the most hedonistic aspects related to taste; in conviviality, which makes food an opportunity for exchange, social enrichment and comparison. But above all, ingenuity is activated to ensure the survival of the individual.

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Numerous proposals have already been received in response to the Notice issued by the City of Milan from other public and private stakeholders in the city. In addition to TuttoFood, the reference event for the agri-food industry, a focus on innovative companies and start-ups in the food sector will be organised by Assolombarda, while Seeds&Chips is once again proposing its Global Food Innovation Summit, with numerous national and international guests, which will also include Food Week, with numerous events in the less central districts, and Sogemi, offering various initiatives open to the public at the fruit and vegetable market in Via Lombroso.

Once again this year, Milano Food City will be the setting for #piusiamopiùdoniamo the charitable project promoted by the City of Milan together with Banco Alimentare, Caritas and Pane Quotidiano. This is a big call-out to all the people of Milan, to raise their awareness on the collection of food for distribution to those residents of Milan and other towns in financial difficulty. A charitable action and also an appeal to all companies and mass retailers to make a special effort during Milano Food City, donating food to non-profit organisations


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