Saturday 15 March 2025

TransMedia Group to deliver fat publicity for ‘Skinny Iced Coffee’ from Steve’s Frozen Chillers

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  • TME - Cialdy Evo

Steve’s Frozen Chillers has hired TransMedia Group ( to conduct the world biggest taste test. “Our goal will be to demonstrate the superior taste of Steve’s Frozen Chiller’s Skinny Iced Coffee and in so doing set a new benchmark in the Guinness Book of Records for a taste test,” said TransMedia CEO and a coffee lover himself, Tom Madden.

“We retained TransMedia to show that all creamy tasting iced coffees are not created equal,” said Steve Schoenberg, who launched Steve’s Frozen Chillers almost 16 years ago with his son David in his garage in Boca Raton, Florida (

“It’s the perfect drink for todays’ consumer looking for better tasting, but healthier food and beverage options without the high calories of coffee offerings at places like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts,” said Madden.

Skinny Iced Coffee has no sugar added and no fat, meeting all of the Competitive Food Rules and Smart Snacks For Schools and are available in Mocha, Caramel, Hazelnut and Vanilla.

  • La Cimbali

“Our PR campaign will underscore that a 16 ounce Skinny Iced Coffee is only 4g of Carbs, 33 Calories, and has NO Fat,” said TransMedia publicist Julianna Corso.

“Our publicity also is going to show what a marvelous entrepreneurial story this is as within a week of creating their frozen drinks they were selling them to customers throughout South Florida.

“Steve with Dave did everything…ordering, inventory, receiving, sales, deliveries, setups, service and anything else that came up. Susan was next to join the company, Steve’s wife and Dave’s Mom. She took over the bookkeeping and shipping. Brian (Dave’s younger brother) joined the rest of the family in the rapidly expanding business,” said Corso.

These days Steve’s Frozen Chillers, Inc. has thousands of customers in every state of the US, with over 20 flavors of Frozen Drink Mixes, both for alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic. Frozen Cappuccinos, Frozen Energy Drinks, Skinny Iced Coffee, All Natural Freezer Tubes and Healthy Fruit Chillers.


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